Thursday, July 2, 2015

My Goals

I know from my many post that you all can tell that I truly want to become an educator. I will be graduating from Prairie View A&M University on Dec. 12, 2015 with a bachelor's degree in education with a concentration of early childhood through sixth grade. Although I extremely excited about finally getting into the classroom that is not where I plan to stay for the entirety of my career. Once I graduate I plan on attending the University of Houston and getting a masters in education that will allow me to become a superintendent or a principal. The plan that I have for myself is to for ever have children in my life and with that being a principal would be perfect. It would allow me to still be inside of a school but not actually be in the classroom. I love children and I want to make an impact on their lives all of the time whether it be in the classroom or outside of the classroom. Another goal that I have for myself is to open a daycare before my children are born. There have many numerous articles about the things that are happening in the daycares around the world and they are ridiculous. The daycare I will open will be somewhat of like a head start program, because it will have a focus of educating the children as they attend and not just a regular babysitting service. This daycare will be one that a waiting list will have to be created for, because so many parents will be trying to get their children in. I have so many goals that I will accomplish before I die and educating children are at the root of everyone of them.

My Support System

The people who stand behind me in the shadows play a large role in getting me where I am today. Without them I honestly do not know where I would be or how I would have made it this far. My support system consist of my mom, dad, younger sister, and my boyfriend. My mom and dad got me through some of the most difficult times in my life especially when I was younger. I was the young girl who was picked on and bully from seventh grade all the way through my senior year of high school. At that point in my life I begun to get depressed and shut down emotionally. I did not want any social interaction with anyone from school let alone my parents or family. My parents helped me through those hard years by guiding me, giving me advice, and helping me seek God as my savior. Without them I may not even be here to write this today because there were a many times I contemplated suicide just to feel relieved of the stress and the bullying. My sister ha ha my younger sister she was there willing to kick anyone behind the entire time also even though she was three years younger than I was. So, not only have my mom, dad, and sister been there for me since my younger days they have also been there to help me almost complete this chapter in my life I call college. College has been not to say difficult, but it has been a huge transition that I had to make and not a easy one I may add. But I have done with my family support and the constant support of my boyfriend. My boyfriend and I have been together for six years now and the support that he has giving me over the years has been quick overwhelming. He is everything I could ask for and more. Through the good times and the bad he has stayed by my side no matter what. My support system has truly helped me become the adult that I am today and I would not trade them for the world! I love my family!

This link tells the importance of family and healing within families. Click the link for more information.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My Inspiration.

A lot of people when asked why they want to teach or why they decided to teach they give a story about a teacher that inspired them. Well my inspiration comes all from my mother. My mom and dad were high school sweethearts and when they graduated high school my dad went off to the navy and my mother stayed behind and waited on his return. While at home she worked and visited him as often as she could. Then when my dad arrived home they got married, and became one. Once my parents had been married for three years I was conceived and three years later my younger sister was born and from then on our family was complete. Now to discuss the reason why my mother is my inspiration. My mom did not go to college right after high school but she did go back after she had her children. My mom was working full time, going to college full time, being a wife full time, and being a mother full time all at the same time. When I was young and watching her do all of this I never realized the magnitude as to what all she had on her plate and why she was doing it. But now as a adult and while in high school I realized she is my super hero, because she tore her body down handling all her responsibilities and we still never wanted for anything during the process. When I tell people this many question what about my dad why isn't he my hero, but I have to remind him that he is my king he showed me exactly what a man should be like and how they should provide for the family and I always was told that is what he was suppose to do so I never looked at it as him extended himself more than he should. My dad just did what a father should do. My mom on the other hand did not have to work full time and go to school full time while taking care of us without day care and things of that nature. She is currently a special education teacher in my home school district. When I enter into her classroom the love and connection that she has with her students is truly inspiring. It takes special people to work with children with special needs and my mom is one of those special people. She has showed me how to take your life into your own hands and accomplish your dream no matter the obstacles that maybe in your way. She helped me see that I could be anything in the world even if that meant following in her footsteps. I am my mothers child!

This link shows how important mothers are for the family dynamic, and you should click on it and read the information.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Student Teaching...

Student teaching is something that I am highly anticipating, and the wait to find out which school I will be placed at is killing me. The joy I get from being in the classroom on a daily basis and seeing the curious faces and open minds of the children is thrilling. You can talk to an adult and the conversation will be boring and the same over and over again, but with children the options are endless. A child always has a question to challenge your mind or to get you thinking. Sometimes they even make you question if you are knowledgeable enough to even be standing in front of them. Children are sponges and the way they embrace learning and give it there all during everything is amazing to me. If we could look at the world from the prospective of a child there would very little evil in the world and a lot more openness and happiness. When I am able to work with children it does not even feel like work. It is where I am able to let go and be truly myself. Children except a person in their entirety not by what society says is acceptable and I think that is why I love to be around them so much. They are small lively creatures with a loving nature and a willingness to try new things. Children are our future and I want to be one of the people to take part in enriching their lives with knowledge. I cannot wait to step foot in a classroom student teaching will just be the beginning.

Here is a link that answers frequent questions future student teachers may have. It answers a lot of the questions that some people may have or need answers too.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Procrastination... My Friend

I do not know if I am the only person who does this but procrastination is my best friend especially since I entered college. I find myself more and more waiting until the last minute to do things such as study for a test, complete an assignment, or just simply print off a paper. I know many people may think that, that is not the way to do things because the quality of your work will be subpar, but that is not the case with me. I tend to do better work when I do it during crunch time as I call it. I think that it pushes me to produce the best work possible so that I can get the grade that I truly want on that particular assignment. Although sometimes waiting to the last minute can be something that comes back and bites me in the behind especially if the project or assignment has multiple components or is very time consuming; it always seems to work out in my favor. I still think my work under pressure is better than anything I have had time to linger over because I am very indecisive and I tend to want to go back and change things. I end up doing three times the work because I have so much time to not like the finished project or add to what I think is an inadequate job to some already amazing work. All of this would seem to be a very large issue with me wanting to go into the education field, because things can not be done last minute when your dealing with children that depend on you on a daily basis. But I think well no I know that my habits will change once I enter the classroom because that is where I have wanted to be my entire life. When I can enrich a young mind I will fill complete even if I to use all the time in the world to get one task done.

This link has information about a person who is a procrastinator. It gives interesting facts that may not be known about the issue that some people think is just ridiculous.

Friday, June 26, 2015

To Test or Not to Test.....

The profession I am pursuing is one that I have a true passion for. Although this is the case the testing process can become not only stressful but also overwhelming. Yes there are study guides and yes I took classes to prepare me for everything I am suppose to see, but can a test really say whether or not I am going to be a good teacher? I personally know individuals who are great test takers but would be awful in the classroom. This may sound weird to some because they know all the content a teacher needs to know but at the same time the true connection they need to teach students is just not there and that bothers me. Just because one persons test scores are lower than another does not mean that one person is more qualified than others. I think that there should be another testing method to decide who is qualified enough to go into the classroom and who is not.

This link gives the opinions of many people and their reasonings as to why standardized should and should not be banned. So that you can get other opinions other than mine.